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How To fix WordPress site not loading: If your WordPress site is not loading, it can be due to various reasons, ranging from server issues to problems with themes or plugins. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially fix the issue:

1. Check the Server Status:

  • Ensure that your web hosting server is operational. Check if other websites hosted on the same server are also experiencing issues.

2. Review Error Messages:

  • If you see error messages, take note of them. Common errors include the “White Screen of Death” (WSOD) or specific error codes. You can find error logs in the server’s error log files or in the WordPress debug log.

3. Check Internet Connection:

  • Verify that your internet connection is stable. Sometimes, connectivity issues can prevent websites from loading.

4. Clear Browser Cache:

  • Clear your browser cache and try accessing the site again. Cached files may sometimes cause loading issues.

5. Try Another Browser:

  • If the site is not loading in one browser, try another one to see if the issue is browser-specific.

6. Deactivate Plugins:

  • If you can access the WordPress admin dashboard, deactivate all plugins and check if the site loads. If it does, reactivate plugins one by one to identify the problematic plugin.

7. Switch to Default Theme:

  • Change your active theme to a default WordPress theme (e.g., Twenty Twenty-One). If the default theme works, your original theme might be causing the issue.

8. Check File and Folder Permissions:

  • Verify that file and folder permissions on your server are correctly set. Incorrect permissions can lead to issues with loading files.

9. Increase PHP Memory Limit:

  • In your WordPress installation, check and increase the PHP memory limit in the wp-config.php file if needed. Add the following line:
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');

10. Inspect .htaccess File:

  • Check the .htaccess file for any errors. You can temporarily rename it to see if the site loads without it. WordPress will create a new .htaccess file when you visit the Permalinks settings page.

11. Check Database Connection:

  • Ensure that your WordPress site can connect to its database. Incorrect database credentials can prevent the site from loading.

12. Review Server Resource Limits:

  • Check if your server is hitting resource limits such as CPU or memory usage. Your hosting provider can provide information on server resource usage.

13. Verify DNS Settings:

  • Confirm that your domain’s DNS settings are configured correctly. Incorrect DNS settings can lead to site unavailability.

14. Update WordPress, Themes, and Plugins:

  • Ensure that WordPress, themes, and plugins are updated to the latest versions. Outdated software can lead to compatibility issues.

15. Reinstall WordPress Core Files:

  • If everything else fails, you can reinstall WordPress core files. Ensure to back up your site before doing this.

16. Contact Hosting Support:

  • If none of the above steps resolves the issue, contact your web hosting support. They can provide insights into server-related problems.

17. Consult WordPress Forums:

  • Visit the WordPress forums or community for assistance. Other users may have experienced similar issues and can offer solutions.

Remember to back up your website before making significant changes, especially if you plan to reinstall WordPress or modify core files. If you’re unsure about any step, it’s advisable to seek professional help or consult with your hosting provider’s support team.

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